Public Notice: September 21, 2022
Solicitation for Special Community Mobility Projects
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council
Due date is Friday, October 28, 2022
The Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) gives notice it is soliciting proposals or ideas from agencies, service providers and members of the public for improving transportation services for people with low income, seniors and people with disabilities in Tompkins County as part of the Coordinated Human Services-Transportation Plan. In addition, proposals to improve implementation of Federal requirements for transportation services i.e. Civil Rights (Title VI Plan) and the use of transportation by Limited English Proficiency persons are encouraged.
Tompkins County and TCAT agreed that a portion of FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program funding would be set aside for Special Community Mobility projects. Further, unused funds from prior grants are available to be reprogrammed as well
An amount from $90,000 to $110,000 is available. A local match from 10% - 50%, is required depending upon type of project. The following projects are eligible for funding:
1. Mobility Management (10% local match)
2. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
3. Capital (10% local match)
This solicitation is for projects to be continued or implemented in 2023. Former recipients need to re-apply for 2023. The purpose of this notice is to identify projects which best fulfill the service objectives in the Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects must be approved by the ITCTC in order to be eligible for Federal funding. Further, Tompkins County will determine if an additional procurement action (e.g. a request for proposal process) is necessary to select a contractor to implement a project.
Contact Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605 or [email protected] for more information and technical assistance before October 26, 2022.
Proposal submissions are due on Oct 28, 2022 by 4 pm, at the ITCTC, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Call Fernando de Aragón at 607-274-5570 for questions about submitting proposals and the evaluation process. Proposals may be submitted using email ([email protected]). Additional information can be found at:
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria (summarized below):
Tompkins County and TCAT agreed that a portion of FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program funding would be set aside for Special Community Mobility projects. Further, unused funds from prior grants are available to be reprogrammed as well
An amount from $90,000 to $110,000 is available. A local match from 10% - 50%, is required depending upon type of project. The following projects are eligible for funding:
1. Mobility Management (10% local match)
2. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
3. Capital (10% local match)
This solicitation is for projects to be continued or implemented in 2023. Former recipients need to re-apply for 2023. The purpose of this notice is to identify projects which best fulfill the service objectives in the Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects must be approved by the ITCTC in order to be eligible for Federal funding. Further, Tompkins County will determine if an additional procurement action (e.g. a request for proposal process) is necessary to select a contractor to implement a project.
Contact Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605 or [email protected] for more information and technical assistance before October 26, 2022.
Proposal submissions are due on Oct 28, 2022 by 4 pm, at the ITCTC, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Call Fernando de Aragón at 607-274-5570 for questions about submitting proposals and the evaluation process. Proposals may be submitted using email ([email protected]). Additional information can be found at:
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria (summarized below):
- Project Approach: Effectiveness of serving target populations, Performance Measures, meeting eligibility requirements for FTA programs
- Implementation Plan
- Project Budget
- Program Outreach
- Compliance with Federal requirements. (100% Assurance)
Public Notice: September 16, 2020
Solicitation for Special Community Mobility Projects
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council
Due date is Friday, October 30, 2020
The Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) gives notice it is soliciting proposals or ideas from agencies, service providers and members of the public for improving transportation services for people with low income, seniors and people with disabilities in Tompkins County as part of the Coordinated Human Services-Transportation Plan. In addition, proposals to improve implementation of Federal requirements for transportation services i.e. Civil Rights (Title VI Plan) and the use of transportation by Limited English Proficiency persons are encouraged.
Tompkins County and TCAT agreed that a portion of FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program funding would be set aside for Special Community Mobility projects. Further, unused funds from prior grants are available to be reprogrammed as well
An amount from $90,000 to $110,000 is available. A local match from 10% - 50%, is required depending upon type of project. The following projects are eligible for funding:
1. Mobility Management (10% local match)
2. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
3. Capital (10% local match)
This solicitation is for projects to be continued or implemented in 2021. Former recipients need to re-apply for 2021. The purpose of this notice is to identify projects which best fulfill the service objectives in the Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects must be approved by the ITCTC in order to be eligible for Federal funding. Further, Tompkins County will determine if an additional procurement action (e.g. a request for proposal process) is necessary to select a contractor to implement a project.
Contact Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605 or [email protected] for more information and technical assistance before October 28, 2020.
Proposal submissions are due on Oct 30, 2020 by 4 pm, at the ITCTC, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Call Fernando de Aragón at 607-274-5570 for questions about submitting proposals and the evaluation process. Proposals may be submitted using email ([email protected]). Additional information can be found at:
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria (summarized below):
Tompkins County and TCAT agreed that a portion of FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program funding would be set aside for Special Community Mobility projects. Further, unused funds from prior grants are available to be reprogrammed as well
An amount from $90,000 to $110,000 is available. A local match from 10% - 50%, is required depending upon type of project. The following projects are eligible for funding:
1. Mobility Management (10% local match)
2. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
3. Capital (10% local match)
This solicitation is for projects to be continued or implemented in 2021. Former recipients need to re-apply for 2021. The purpose of this notice is to identify projects which best fulfill the service objectives in the Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects must be approved by the ITCTC in order to be eligible for Federal funding. Further, Tompkins County will determine if an additional procurement action (e.g. a request for proposal process) is necessary to select a contractor to implement a project.
Contact Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605 or [email protected] for more information and technical assistance before October 28, 2020.
Proposal submissions are due on Oct 30, 2020 by 4 pm, at the ITCTC, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Call Fernando de Aragón at 607-274-5570 for questions about submitting proposals and the evaluation process. Proposals may be submitted using email ([email protected]). Additional information can be found at:
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria (summarized below):
- Project Approach: Effectiveness of serving target populations, Performance Measures, meeting eligibility requirements for FTA programs
- Implementation Plan
- Project Budget
- Program Outreach
- Compliance with Federal requirements. (100% Assurance)
Tompkins County Public Notice: May 30, 2020
2020 Federal Transit Application (Section 5307 Urban Formula Program)
2020 Federal Transit Application (Section 5307 Urban Formula Program)
Tompkins County is applying for federal financial assistance for Gadabout Transportation Services, Inc. (Gadabout), Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (TCAT), and the County, to provide public transportation service: fixed-route bus service, demand-responsive service, and mobility management for 2020.
Tompkins County’s request for federal financial assistance is for the following purposes:
Tompkins County’s request for federal financial assistance is for the following purposes:
The project is expected to be financed by FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program, including Federal CARES Act Section 5307 funding, with additional funds to be provided from New York State transit operating assistance and capital match; TCAT and other Local funds. The total federal share for operating, planning and capital projects is expected to be $ 11,424,589.
Comments on the proposed project are invited from the general public, private bus and taxi companies, other public transportation providers and human service agencies. Interested parties may comment on the project or obtain more details about the project by writing to:
Dwight Mengel, Chief Transportation Planner
Tompkins County Dept. of Social Services
320 W. Martin Luther King Jr./ State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
607-274-5605, 607-274-5666 (fax)
Email: [email protected]
Human service agencies that receive assistance from other Federal agencies for non-emergency transportation services are encouraged to participate and coordinate with the provider in the planning, design and delivery of transportation services. Agencies may obtain copies of the service description and submit proposals for service coordination. Private bus and taxi operators may request copies of the project service description from the above person and may submit comments on the service as described.
If you wish to comment on any aspect of the proposed project, submit a proposal, a request for service coordination, or request a public hearing on this project, you must make your interest known in writing within fifteen calendar days of the date of this publication and provide your comments within fifteen calendar days of your receipt of the project service description. Your requests or comments must be forwarded to the above person.
Comments on the proposed project are invited from the general public, private bus and taxi companies, other public transportation providers and human service agencies. Interested parties may comment on the project or obtain more details about the project by writing to:
Dwight Mengel, Chief Transportation Planner
Tompkins County Dept. of Social Services
320 W. Martin Luther King Jr./ State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
607-274-5605, 607-274-5666 (fax)
Email: [email protected]
Human service agencies that receive assistance from other Federal agencies for non-emergency transportation services are encouraged to participate and coordinate with the provider in the planning, design and delivery of transportation services. Agencies may obtain copies of the service description and submit proposals for service coordination. Private bus and taxi operators may request copies of the project service description from the above person and may submit comments on the service as described.
If you wish to comment on any aspect of the proposed project, submit a proposal, a request for service coordination, or request a public hearing on this project, you must make your interest known in writing within fifteen calendar days of the date of this publication and provide your comments within fifteen calendar days of your receipt of the project service description. Your requests or comments must be forwarded to the above person.
Public Notice: October 29, 2019
Proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal for 2020-22
Tompkins County and Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc.
Public Web Meeting on Friday, November 1, 2019 @ 1 PM
Proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goal for 2020-22
Tompkins County and Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc.
Public Web Meeting on Friday, November 1, 2019 @ 1 PM
Tompkins County and Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. announce their proposed goal over the following Fiscal Years 2020, 2021, and 2022 goal of 1.37% for DBE participation on contracts assisted by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
The proposed goal and its rationale are available for public review for the next 30 days:
Written comments will be accepted by Tompkins County/Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. for 30 days following publication of this notice. This Federal Fiscal Year 2020-2022 goal may be adjusted by any comments received.
Interested parties are encouraged to submit comments to:
Michael Smith, DBE Officer or Dwight Mengel, Chief Transportation Planner
TCAT, Inc. Tompkins County DSS
737 Willow Avenue 320 W. Martin Luther King Jr/State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850
Comments may also be submitted to the Federal Transit Administration, Region 2, Attention: Civil Rights Officer, One Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004-1415.
The County and TCAT will hold a web-meeting/conference call on November 1, 2019 from 1-2 PM to give an overview of upcoming contracts, answer questions and gather input on the DBE goal development.
The proposed goal and its rationale are available for public review for the next 30 days:
- By downloading the file below.
- During normal business hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the offices of Tompkins Consolidates Area Transit, Inc., 737 Willow Ave, in Ithaca, NY 14850, and on TCAT's web page at
Written comments will be accepted by Tompkins County/Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. for 30 days following publication of this notice. This Federal Fiscal Year 2020-2022 goal may be adjusted by any comments received.
Interested parties are encouraged to submit comments to:
Michael Smith, DBE Officer or Dwight Mengel, Chief Transportation Planner
TCAT, Inc. Tompkins County DSS
737 Willow Avenue 320 W. Martin Luther King Jr/State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850
Comments may also be submitted to the Federal Transit Administration, Region 2, Attention: Civil Rights Officer, One Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004-1415.
The County and TCAT will hold a web-meeting/conference call on November 1, 2019 from 1-2 PM to give an overview of upcoming contracts, answer questions and gather input on the DBE goal development.
- Join Zoom Meeting:
- Call in Number: 929-436-2866, Meeting ID: 857 590 731
- Join by Skype for Business:

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Public Notice: September 18, 2019
Solicitation for Special Community Mobility Projects
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council
Due date is Friday, November 1, 2019
The Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) gives notice it is soliciting proposals or ideas from agencies, service providers and members of the public for improving transportation services for people with low income, seniors and people with disabilities in Tompkins County as part of the Coordinated Human Services-Transportation Plan. In addition, proposals to improve implementation of Federal requirements for transportation services i.e. Civil Rights (Title VI Plan) and the use of transportation by Limited English Proficiency persons are encouraged.
Tompkins County and TCAT agreed that a portion of FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program funding would be set aside for Special Community Mobility projects. Further, unused funds from prior grants are available to be reprogrammed as well
An amount from $90,000 to $110,000 is available. A local match from 10% - 50%, is required depending upon type of project. The following projects are eligible for funding:
1. Mobility Management (10% local match)
2. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
3. Capital (10% local match)
This solicitation is for projects to be continued or implemented in 2020. Former recipients need to re-apply for 2020. The purpose of this notice is to identify projects which best fulfill the service objectives in the Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects must be approved by the ITCTC in order to be eligible for Federal funding. Further, Tompkins County will determine if an additional procurement action (e.g. a request for proposal process) is necessary to select a contractor to implement a project.
Contact Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605 or [email protected] for more information and technical assistance before October 31, 2019.
Proposal submissions are due on Nov 1, 2019 by 4 pm, at the ITCTC, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Call Fernando de Aragón at 607-274-5570 for questions about submitting proposals and the evaluation process. Proposals may be submitted using email ([email protected]). Additional information can be found at:
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria (summarized below):
Tompkins County and TCAT agreed that a portion of FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program funding would be set aside for Special Community Mobility projects. Further, unused funds from prior grants are available to be reprogrammed as well
An amount from $90,000 to $110,000 is available. A local match from 10% - 50%, is required depending upon type of project. The following projects are eligible for funding:
1. Mobility Management (10% local match)
2. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
3. Capital (10% local match)
This solicitation is for projects to be continued or implemented in 2020. Former recipients need to re-apply for 2020. The purpose of this notice is to identify projects which best fulfill the service objectives in the Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects must be approved by the ITCTC in order to be eligible for Federal funding. Further, Tompkins County will determine if an additional procurement action (e.g. a request for proposal process) is necessary to select a contractor to implement a project.
Contact Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605 or [email protected] for more information and technical assistance before October 31, 2019.
Proposal submissions are due on Nov 1, 2019 by 4 pm, at the ITCTC, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Call Fernando de Aragón at 607-274-5570 for questions about submitting proposals and the evaluation process. Proposals may be submitted using email ([email protected]). Additional information can be found at:
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria (summarized below):
- Project Approach: Effectiveness of serving target populations, Performance Measures, meeting eligibility requirements for FTA programs
- Implementation Plan
- Project Budget
- Program Outreach
- Compliance with Federal requirements. (100% Assurance)

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Public Notice: July 26, 2019
Applications for Federal Transit Administration Grants - 2019
Section 5307 Urban Formula & Section 5339c Low & No Emissions Programs
Due date is Friday, Aug 20, 2019
Tompkins County, NY
Public Notice
Tompkins County is applying to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and New York State Department of Transportation for Federal financial assistance under Section 5307 Urban Formula and Section 5339c low and No Emissions Vehicles programs, respectively, for Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (TCAT) and the County as follows:
Public Notice
Tompkins County is applying to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and New York State Department of Transportation for Federal financial assistance under Section 5307 Urban Formula and Section 5339c low and No Emissions Vehicles programs, respectively, for Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (TCAT) and the County as follows:
Comments and questions on the proposed projects are invited from the general public, private bus and taxi companies, other public transportation providers and human service agencies. Interested parties may comment on the project or obtain more details by contacting:
Dwight Mengel, Chief Transportation Planner
Tompkins County Department of Social Services
320 W. State St, Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 274-5605 voice, 274-5666 fax
[email protected]
Human service agencies who receive assistance from other Federal agencies for non-emergency transportation services are encouraged to participate and coordinate with Tompkins County in planning and delivery of transportation services. Agencies may obtain copies of service descriptions and submit proposals for service coordination. Private bus and taxi operators may request copies of the project service description from the above-named person and may submit comments on the service as described.
If you wish to comment on any aspect of the proposed project, submit a proposal, a request for service coordination or to request a public hearing, you must make your interest known in writing or email by August 20, 2019 and provide your comments within ten days of the date of your receipt of the project service description. Please forward requests or comments to the above person. The Program of Projects shown above will be considered final unless they are amended and re-published.
Dwight Mengel, Chief Transportation Planner
Tompkins County Department of Social Services
320 W. State St, Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 274-5605 voice, 274-5666 fax
[email protected]
Human service agencies who receive assistance from other Federal agencies for non-emergency transportation services are encouraged to participate and coordinate with Tompkins County in planning and delivery of transportation services. Agencies may obtain copies of service descriptions and submit proposals for service coordination. Private bus and taxi operators may request copies of the project service description from the above-named person and may submit comments on the service as described.
If you wish to comment on any aspect of the proposed project, submit a proposal, a request for service coordination or to request a public hearing, you must make your interest known in writing or email by August 20, 2019 and provide your comments within ten days of the date of your receipt of the project service description. Please forward requests or comments to the above person. The Program of Projects shown above will be considered final unless they are amended and re-published.
Public Notice: September 19, 2018
Solicitation for Special Community Mobility Projects
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council
Due date is Friday, November 2, 2018
The Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) gives notice it is soliciting proposals or ideas from agencies, service providers and members of the public for improving transportation services for people with low income, seniors and people with disabilities in Tompkins County as part of the Coordinated Human Services-Transportation Plan. In addition, proposals to improve implementation of Federal requirements for transportation services i.e. Civil Rights (Title VI Plan) and the use of transportation by Limited English Proficiency persons are encouraged.
Tompkins County and TCAT agreed that a portion of FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program funding would be set aside for Special Community Mobility projects. Further, unused funds from prior grants are available to be reprogrammed as well
An amount from $90,000 to $110,000 is available. A local match from 10% - 50%, is required depending upon type of project. The following projects are eligible for funding:
1. Mobility Management (10% local match)
2. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
3. Capital (10% local match)
This solicitation is for projects to be continued or implemented in 2019. Former recipients need to re-apply for 2019. The purpose of this notice is to identify projects which best fulfill the service objectives in the Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects must be approved by the ITCTC in order to be eligible for Federal funding. Further, Tompkins County will determine if an additional procurement action (e.g. a request for proposal process) is necessary to select a contractor to implement a project.
Contact Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605 or [email protected] for more information and technical assistance before October 31, 2018.
Proposal submissions are due on Nov 2, 2018 by 4 pm, at the ITCTC, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Call Fernando de Aragón at 607-274-5570 for questions about submitting proposals and the evaluation process. Proposals may be submitted using email ([email protected]). Additional information can be found at:
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria (summarized below):
Tompkins County and TCAT agreed that a portion of FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula Program funding would be set aside for Special Community Mobility projects. Further, unused funds from prior grants are available to be reprogrammed as well
An amount from $90,000 to $110,000 is available. A local match from 10% - 50%, is required depending upon type of project. The following projects are eligible for funding:
1. Mobility Management (10% local match)
2. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
3. Capital (10% local match)
This solicitation is for projects to be continued or implemented in 2019. Former recipients need to re-apply for 2019. The purpose of this notice is to identify projects which best fulfill the service objectives in the Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects must be approved by the ITCTC in order to be eligible for Federal funding. Further, Tompkins County will determine if an additional procurement action (e.g. a request for proposal process) is necessary to select a contractor to implement a project.
Contact Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605 or [email protected] for more information and technical assistance before October 31, 2018.
Proposal submissions are due on Nov 2, 2018 by 4 pm, at the ITCTC, 121 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Call Fernando de Aragón at 607-274-5570 for questions about submitting proposals and the evaluation process. Proposals may be submitted using email ([email protected]). Additional information can be found at:
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria (summarized below):
- Project Approach: Effectiveness of serving target populations, Performance Measures, meeting eligibility requirements for FTA programs (30 Points)
- Implementation Plan (20 Points)
- Project Budget (20 Points)
- Program Outreach (15 Points)
- Compliance with Federal requirements. (100% Assurance)

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FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula & Section 5311 Rural Formula Grants
FTA Section 5307 Urban Formula & Section 5311 Rural Formula Grants
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Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
This is a revised Public Notice of Tompkins County's Section 5311 Rural Transportation Grant to NYSDOT. The budget and application files are shown below.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.

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Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
October 22, 2013:
Solicitation for FTA Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council
Due date is Thursday, Nov 7, 2013

he Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) gives notice it is soliciting proposals or ideas from agencies, service providers and members of the public for improving transportation services for seniors or people with disabilities in Tompkins County as part of the Coordinated Human Services-Transportation Plan.
The Enhanced 5310 Program replaces the former Section 5310 Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities and Section 5317 New Freedom Programs of prior years. New York State Department of Transportation administers the Enhanced 5310 Program. Projects must be included in the Tompkins County Public Transit & Human Services Transportation Plan to be eligible for funding. Therefore, this is a project solicitation for new or continuing projects to be included in the Plan as approved by the ITCTC.
Eligible applicants must be private not-profit (Section 501(c)(3) corporations or Tompkins County.
Applicants can ask for funding for two years - 2014 & 2015. Annual funding is estimated at $130,409 for 2014 and 2015. The actual amount will change depending upon annual appropriations in Federal Budget laws.
A minimum of 55% or ($71,725) per year is set aside for GADABOUT Transportation Services, Inc., as a former subrecipient under the old 5310 program. GADABOUT may apply for more than the minimum set-aside.
There is a local match required for each type of project.
1. Mobility Management (20% local match)
2. Capital (20% local match)
3. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
Send proposals to Fernando deAragon, ITCTC, 121 E. Court St, Ithaca, NY 14850 or by email [email protected] before 4 pm on Nov 7, 2013.
The proposal form can be dowloaded below.
The Enhanced 5310 Program replaces the former Section 5310 Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities and Section 5317 New Freedom Programs of prior years. New York State Department of Transportation administers the Enhanced 5310 Program. Projects must be included in the Tompkins County Public Transit & Human Services Transportation Plan to be eligible for funding. Therefore, this is a project solicitation for new or continuing projects to be included in the Plan as approved by the ITCTC.
Eligible applicants must be private not-profit (Section 501(c)(3) corporations or Tompkins County.
Applicants can ask for funding for two years - 2014 & 2015. Annual funding is estimated at $130,409 for 2014 and 2015. The actual amount will change depending upon annual appropriations in Federal Budget laws.
A minimum of 55% or ($71,725) per year is set aside for GADABOUT Transportation Services, Inc., as a former subrecipient under the old 5310 program. GADABOUT may apply for more than the minimum set-aside.
There is a local match required for each type of project.
1. Mobility Management (20% local match)
2. Capital (20% local match)
3. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
Send proposals to Fernando deAragon, ITCTC, 121 E. Court St, Ithaca, NY 14850 or by email [email protected] before 4 pm on Nov 7, 2013.
The proposal form can be dowloaded below.

May 14, 2014
Tompkins County
Public Notice
Federal Transit Admin Grant Programs
Nov. 13, 2013
Public Notice
2013 Amendment to the
Coordinated Public Transit
-Human Services Transportation Plan
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council

What is the Coordinated Transportation Plan?
Tompkins County agencies, non-profit human services agencies, transportation providers, advocates and people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with lower incomes are working together to increase community travel choices for the public. Our coordinated plan includes "(1) an inventory and assessment of transportation resources and community and customer needs; (2) goals and strategies for meeting those needs, including better coordination of existing services, development of a “family of transportation services,” and ways to measure progress; and (3) a means to share and coordinate resources."(1)
The overall idea is to use a large family of transportation services (including public transit (TCAT), demand response service (GADABOUT), taxis (Ithaca Dispatch), Ithaca Carshare, rideshare (ZIMRIDE Tompkins), volunteer driver services (FISH), education (Way2Go) and 24/7 phone support (2-1-1 Tompkins/Cortland) to enable people to make informed transportation choices.
Each year the Coordinated Plan is amended to publish changes to goals and objectives and to allocate Federal transit funding to specific projects. In August and October public notices were published asking for proposals to be submitted that best fulfill the goals and objectives in the coordinated plan. This public notice is asks for public comments on the proposed projects.
What is the 2013 Amendment?
The 2013 Amendment includes a list of proposed projects by funding program for 2014 and 2015. A total of $620,494 in Federal funding for projects would be used from existing grants or new grant opportunities in 2014-15. The FTA Sec, 5310 Program, solicited projects for 2014 and 2015. The Special Community Mobility Program lists projects for 2014. Furthermore, the amendment includes the Way2Go Program for 2014, operated by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County under contract with Tompkins County.
The amendment can be viewed or printed from the window below or downloaded using the link below.
How to comment on this proposal or receive more information?
Please use the comment form below to submit a comment or question about the Coordinated Plan, amendment, a project, or community transportation needs. You can send a fax to 607-274-5666, call Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605, or send a letter to Dwight Mengel, Tompkins County Dept of Social Services, 320 W Martin Luther King Jr/ State St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Comments must be received by Dec. 7 for consideration at the I-TCTC Joint Planning & Policy Committee meeting on Dec 17, 2013.
Tompkins County agencies, non-profit human services agencies, transportation providers, advocates and people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with lower incomes are working together to increase community travel choices for the public. Our coordinated plan includes "(1) an inventory and assessment of transportation resources and community and customer needs; (2) goals and strategies for meeting those needs, including better coordination of existing services, development of a “family of transportation services,” and ways to measure progress; and (3) a means to share and coordinate resources."(1)
The overall idea is to use a large family of transportation services (including public transit (TCAT), demand response service (GADABOUT), taxis (Ithaca Dispatch), Ithaca Carshare, rideshare (ZIMRIDE Tompkins), volunteer driver services (FISH), education (Way2Go) and 24/7 phone support (2-1-1 Tompkins/Cortland) to enable people to make informed transportation choices.
Each year the Coordinated Plan is amended to publish changes to goals and objectives and to allocate Federal transit funding to specific projects. In August and October public notices were published asking for proposals to be submitted that best fulfill the goals and objectives in the coordinated plan. This public notice is asks for public comments on the proposed projects.
What is the 2013 Amendment?
The 2013 Amendment includes a list of proposed projects by funding program for 2014 and 2015. A total of $620,494 in Federal funding for projects would be used from existing grants or new grant opportunities in 2014-15. The FTA Sec, 5310 Program, solicited projects for 2014 and 2015. The Special Community Mobility Program lists projects for 2014. Furthermore, the amendment includes the Way2Go Program for 2014, operated by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County under contract with Tompkins County.
The amendment can be viewed or printed from the window below or downloaded using the link below.
How to comment on this proposal or receive more information?
Please use the comment form below to submit a comment or question about the Coordinated Plan, amendment, a project, or community transportation needs. You can send a fax to 607-274-5666, call Dwight Mengel at 607-274-5605, or send a letter to Dwight Mengel, Tompkins County Dept of Social Services, 320 W Martin Luther King Jr/ State St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Comments must be received by Dec. 7 for consideration at the I-TCTC Joint Planning & Policy Committee meeting on Dec 17, 2013.
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October 22, 2013:
Solicitation for FTA Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council
Due date is Thursday, Nov 7, 2013

he Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) gives notice it is soliciting proposals or ideas from agencies, service providers and members of the public for improving transportation services for seniors or people with disabilities in Tompkins County as part of the Coordinated Human Services-Transportation Plan.
The Enhanced 5310 Program replaces the former Section 5310 Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities and Section 5317 New Freedom Programs of prior years. New York State Department of Transportation administers the Enhanced 5310 Program. Projects must be included in the Tompkins County Public Transit & Human Services Transportation Plan to be eligible for funding. Therefore, this is a project solicitation for new or continuing projects to be included in the Plan as approved by the ITCTC.
Eligible applicants must be private not-profit (Section 501(c)(3) corporations or Tompkins County.
Applicants can ask for funding for two years - 2014 & 2015. Annual funding is estimated at $130,409 for 2014 and 2015. The actual amount will change depending upon annual appropriations in Federal Budget laws.
A minimum of 55% or ($71,725) per year is set aside for GADABOUT Transportation Services, Inc., as a former subrecipient under the old 5310 program. GADABOUT may apply for more than the minimum set-aside.
There is a local match required for each type of project.
1. Mobility Management (20% local match)
2. Capital (20% local match)
3. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
Send proposals to Fernando deAragon, ITCTC, 121 E. Court St, Ithaca, NY 14850 or by email [email protected] before 4 pm on Nov 7, 2013.
The proposal form can be dowloaded below.
The Enhanced 5310 Program replaces the former Section 5310 Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities and Section 5317 New Freedom Programs of prior years. New York State Department of Transportation administers the Enhanced 5310 Program. Projects must be included in the Tompkins County Public Transit & Human Services Transportation Plan to be eligible for funding. Therefore, this is a project solicitation for new or continuing projects to be included in the Plan as approved by the ITCTC.
Eligible applicants must be private not-profit (Section 501(c)(3) corporations or Tompkins County.
Applicants can ask for funding for two years - 2014 & 2015. Annual funding is estimated at $130,409 for 2014 and 2015. The actual amount will change depending upon annual appropriations in Federal Budget laws.
A minimum of 55% or ($71,725) per year is set aside for GADABOUT Transportation Services, Inc., as a former subrecipient under the old 5310 program. GADABOUT may apply for more than the minimum set-aside.
There is a local match required for each type of project.
1. Mobility Management (20% local match)
2. Capital (20% local match)
3. Operating Assistance (50% local match)
Send proposals to Fernando deAragon, ITCTC, 121 E. Court St, Ithaca, NY 14850 or by email [email protected] before 4 pm on Nov 7, 2013.
The proposal form can be dowloaded below.

application_form_for_enhanced_5310_projects_2014-2015_10-23-2013.docx | |
File Size: | 33 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Sept 26, 2013
Tompkins County Disadvantage Business Enterprise Goal for FFY 2014-2016
Tompkins County hereby announces its proposed FFY 2014-2016 goal of 3.8% for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in applicable federally funded contracts. The proposed goal and its rationale are available
for inspection on this webpage.
Tompkins County will accept comments on the goal for 45 days from the date of this notice (9/26/2013).
Comments may be submitted via U.S. Postal Service or electronically to:
Dwight Mengel
Tompkins County Depart. Of Social Services
320 W. State St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Fax: 607-274-5666
[email protected]
Comments may also be directed to:
Civil Rights Officer
FTA Region II
One Bowling Green, Room 429
New York, NY 10004
for inspection on this webpage.
Tompkins County will accept comments on the goal for 45 days from the date of this notice (9/26/2013).
Comments may be submitted via U.S. Postal Service or electronically to:
Dwight Mengel
Tompkins County Depart. Of Social Services
320 W. State St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Fax: 607-274-5666
[email protected]
Comments may also be directed to:
Civil Rights Officer
FTA Region II
One Bowling Green, Room 429
New York, NY 10004
Pursuant to you letter of August 29, 2013, I have revised Tompkins County’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) triennial goal setting methodology by combining the goals provided by our subrecipients - Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (TCAT) and the City of Ithaca, for its SGR Construction Project (Project ID# D2012-BUSP-155).
The combined DBE goal for FFY 2014-2016 is 3.8%, which is a weighted average of the two goals shown in the table below.
Pursuant to you letter of August 29, 2013, I have revised Tompkins County’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) triennial goal setting methodology by combining the goals provided by our subrecipients - Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc. (TCAT) and the City of Ithaca, for its SGR Construction Project (Project ID# D2012-BUSP-155).
The combined DBE goal for FFY 2014-2016 is 3.8%, which is a weighted average of the two goals shown in the table below.

dbe_goal_2014_2015_2016_tcat_final.doc | |
File Size: | 216 kb |
File Type: | doc |

dbe_goal_city_of_ithaca_sgr.docx | |
File Size: | 23 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Tompkins County is applying to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for $1,736,624 in Federal financial assistance under the Section 5307 Urban Formula Program. If you wish to comment on any aspect of the proposed project, submit a proposal, a request for service coordination or to request for a public hearing, you must make your interest known in writing by
May 24, 2013. See the notice below.

tc_publicnotice.pdf | |
File Size: | 6374 kb |
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tompkinsco5311app12-31-2012.pdf | |
File Size: | 1332 kb |
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public_notice_ad_2012_-_jarc_nf_5311_12-7-2012.docx | |
File Size: | 27 kb |
File Type: | docx |