Process: How a proposal is approved and funded.
1. ITCTC solicits proposals for JARC & New Freedom programs from the public.
2. Project proposals are initially evaluated by a three person committee selected by Fernando deAragon, Executive Director, ITCTC.
3. Initial project evaluation is provided to the Coordinated Plan Committee for their review.
4. The Coordinated Plan Committee sends a recommendation to the ITCTC Planning Committee, for their review and approval.
5. Following ITCTC’s approval, Tompkins County (as Designated Recipient, FTA Recipient and NYSDOT Subrecipient), determines how projects will be funded, either through an existing or future grant and the appropriate funding program. The projects will be given priority for funding through urban FTA allocations or included in an application for rural funding to NYSDOT. A program of projects will be published to solicit public comment as part of a new grant application process.
6. Tompkins County will review with the Coordination Plan Committee and ITCTC how project priorities are reconciled with grant funds.
7. Tompkins County will determine if a competitive procurement process is needed to implement a project. The decision is based on the project's scope of work. For example, a project to reimburse volunteer drivers for mileage is not competitively procured. Whereas, the County would competitively procured professional services necessary to implement a project. The County will conduct competitive procurements as needed.
8. Tompkins County implement projects through subrecipient agreements with agencies. All applicable Federal, New York State and County requirements are incorporated in agreements. Further, all agreements include a clause permitting the County to amend project budgets depending upon a subrecipient's performance in meeting project milestones and on actual need or demand for the project during the term of the agreement. This clause ensures the County meets its obligations to FTA or NYSDOT to close out grants on a timely basis.
Revised 5/2012