Assessment Action Items Part I (Nov 14, 2012)
Coordinate Plan Self-Assessment Review (11/14/12):
Section #1 - Making Things Happen by Working Together
Suggested Next Steps and Action Items
1. Develop a vision statement: work group comprised of Alice Eccelson (TCAT), Ed Swayze (HSC), Larry Roberts (FLIC) and Cynthia Kloppel (DSS) will meet and develop some ideas to bring back to the larger group.
2. Increase the demographic composition of the Coordinated Planning Group, in particular find ways to include underrepresented groups in meetings and planning.
3. Include employers and consumers in the group.
4. Develop clear written guidelines for procedures used by the Coordinated Planning Group and make these readily available to new group members.
5. For medical transportation identify a process for answering client questions regarding possible solutions for regional medical transportation
6. Invite persons from Workforce Investment Board and Cayuga Medical Center to be part of the Coordinated Planning Group.
7. Develop a clear and focused way to communicate the group’s vision, mission goals etc. to community leaders and elected officials.
8. Invite community leaders and elected officials to attend meeting quarterly and have the meeting agenda focused on specific topics of interests to those groups.
9. Continue to identify and communicate the accomplishments of the Coordinated Planning Group and communicate these to group members and community leaders.
10. During meetings when identifying gaps in service also take time to discuss potential solutions, when possible form a workgroup to move ahead on the issue.
Section #1 - Making Things Happen by Working Together
Suggested Next Steps and Action Items
1. Develop a vision statement: work group comprised of Alice Eccelson (TCAT), Ed Swayze (HSC), Larry Roberts (FLIC) and Cynthia Kloppel (DSS) will meet and develop some ideas to bring back to the larger group.
2. Increase the demographic composition of the Coordinated Planning Group, in particular find ways to include underrepresented groups in meetings and planning.
3. Include employers and consumers in the group.
4. Develop clear written guidelines for procedures used by the Coordinated Planning Group and make these readily available to new group members.
5. For medical transportation identify a process for answering client questions regarding possible solutions for regional medical transportation
6. Invite persons from Workforce Investment Board and Cayuga Medical Center to be part of the Coordinated Planning Group.
7. Develop a clear and focused way to communicate the group’s vision, mission goals etc. to community leaders and elected officials.
8. Invite community leaders and elected officials to attend meeting quarterly and have the meeting agenda focused on specific topics of interests to those groups.
9. Continue to identify and communicate the accomplishments of the Coordinated Planning Group and communicate these to group members and community leaders.
10. During meetings when identifying gaps in service also take time to discuss potential solutions, when possible form a workgroup to move ahead on the issue.
Draft Mission Statement
At last month's meeting we formed a group charged with creating a vision statement for the "TC...Transportation Committee."
Vision Statement
Tompkins County Coordinated Public Transit and Human Services Transportation Committee
A local partnership using best practices of mobility management to coordinate Federally-supported human services transportation to enable seamless, comprehensive and accessible mobility services for older adults, people with disabilities, individuals with lower incomes and the public at large.
Vision Statement
Tompkins County Coordinated Public Transit and Human Services Transportation Committee
A local partnership using best practices of mobility management to coordinate Federally-supported human services transportation to enable seamless, comprehensive and accessible mobility services for older adults, people with disabilities, individuals with lower incomes and the public at large.
Wed. Nov 14, 2012
Coordinated Transportation Plan Committee Meeting
Tompkins County Public Library, 100 E. Green St, Ithaca, NY 10:10-11:30 am
1. Introductions
2. Assessing Coordinated Planning for 2013 – Deana Bodnar , Facilitator
· Review the results of Self-Assessment Tool for Building the Fully Coordinated Transportation System originally conducted in Spring of 2011.
· Discuss progress made since that time and Next Steps in planning for moving ahead.
3. Status of:
a. ITNEverywhere Project
b. NYSDOT Rural FTA Sec 5311 Grant – Dec 2012
4. New Business & Networking Time
1. Introductions
2. Assessing Coordinated Planning for 2013 – Deana Bodnar , Facilitator
· Review the results of Self-Assessment Tool for Building the Fully Coordinated Transportation System originally conducted in Spring of 2011.
· Discuss progress made since that time and Next Steps in planning for moving ahead.
3. Status of:
a. ITNEverywhere Project
b. NYSDOT Rural FTA Sec 5311 Grant – Dec 2012
4. New Business & Networking Time
Wed. Oct. 17, 2012
Coordinated Transportation Plan Committee Meeting
Tompkins County Public Library, 100 E. Green St, Ithaca, NY 10:10-11:30 am
1. Introductions
2. MAP-21 Federal Transit Program Update
3. Re-organizing Coordinated Planning for 2013
4. Status of:
a. ITNEverywhere Project
c. Regional Transportation Study
d. NYSDOT Rural JARC & New Freedom solicitation in September
5. New Business & Networking Time
6. Dedicate the MV-1 Taxi, Noon, Ithaca Commons
1. Introductions
2. MAP-21 Federal Transit Program Update
3. Re-organizing Coordinated Planning for 2013
4. Status of:
a. ITNEverywhere Project
c. Regional Transportation Study
d. NYSDOT Rural JARC & New Freedom solicitation in September
5. New Business & Networking Time
6. Dedicate the MV-1 Taxi, Noon, Ithaca Commons
Wed. Sept. 12, 2012
Coordinated Transportation Plan Committee Meeting
Tompkins County Public Library, 100 E. Green St, Ithaca, NY 10:10-11:30 am
1. Introductions
2. Discussion - New to evaluate project outcomes. We need your data!
3. MAP-21 Federal Transit Program Update
4. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere Project
c. Regional Transportation Study
d. FY2012 JARC & New Freedom Plan Amendment
NYSDOT Rural JARC & New Freedom solicitation in September
5. New Business & Networking Time
1. Introductions
2. Discussion - New to evaluate project outcomes. We need your data!
3. MAP-21 Federal Transit Program Update
4. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere Project
c. Regional Transportation Study
d. FY2012 JARC & New Freedom Plan Amendment
NYSDOT Rural JARC & New Freedom solicitation in September
5. New Business & Networking Time
Aug. 22, 2012
Coordinated Transportation Plan Committee Meeting
1. Introductions
2. Evaluation of JARC & New Freedom Proposals for FFY 2012 Funding
Overview of 2012 Funding
Two Stage Review Process
Recommendation to ITCTC
3. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere Community Survey
c. Regional Transportation Study
4. New Business & Networking Time
JARC Proposals received:
GADABOUT - Service to Challenge - $20,017
Catholic Charities - Car Repair Loan Program - $18,000
Challenge - Expanding Access to employment and Career Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities through Travel Training - $7,000
Ithaca Carshare - Easy Access Program - $38,758
211 - FISH Project - $8,000
Regional 211 Proposal - $100,000
New Freedom Proposals:
FISH: Operations & Telephone - $11,000
GADABOUT: New Freedom Paratransit Support Operating Assistance - $25,000
2. Evaluation of JARC & New Freedom Proposals for FFY 2012 Funding
Overview of 2012 Funding
Two Stage Review Process
Recommendation to ITCTC
3. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere Community Survey
c. Regional Transportation Study
4. New Business & Networking Time
JARC Proposals received:
GADABOUT - Service to Challenge - $20,017
Catholic Charities - Car Repair Loan Program - $18,000
Challenge - Expanding Access to employment and Career Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities through Travel Training - $7,000
Ithaca Carshare - Easy Access Program - $38,758
211 - FISH Project - $8,000
Regional 211 Proposal - $100,000
New Freedom Proposals:
FISH: Operations & Telephone - $11,000
GADABOUT: New Freedom Paratransit Support Operating Assistance - $25,000
July 18, 2012
Coordinated Transportation Plan Committee Meeting
1. Introductions
2. Evaluation of JARC & New Freedom Proposals for FFY 2012 Funding
Overview for 2012
Two Stage Review Process
Stage 1 - Recommendation to ITCTC
3. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere Community Survey
c. Regional Transportation Study
4. New Federal Transportation Law (MAP-21), Coordinated Planning & JARC/New Freedom
5. New Business & Networking Time
JARC Proposals received:
GADABOUT - Service to Challenge - $20,017
Catholic Charities - Car Repair Loan Program - $18,000
Challenge - Expanding Access to employment and Career Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities through Travel Training - $7,000
Ithaca Carshare - Easy Access Program - $38,758
211 - FISH Project - $8,000
Regional 211 Proposal - $100,000
New Freedom Proposals:
FISH: Operations & Telephone - $11,000
GADABOUT: New Freedom Paratransit Support Operating Assistance - $25,000
2. Evaluation of JARC & New Freedom Proposals for FFY 2012 Funding
Overview for 2012
Two Stage Review Process
Stage 1 - Recommendation to ITCTC
3. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere Community Survey
c. Regional Transportation Study
4. New Federal Transportation Law (MAP-21), Coordinated Planning & JARC/New Freedom
5. New Business & Networking Time
JARC Proposals received:
GADABOUT - Service to Challenge - $20,017
Catholic Charities - Car Repair Loan Program - $18,000
Challenge - Expanding Access to employment and Career Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities through Travel Training - $7,000
Ithaca Carshare - Easy Access Program - $38,758
211 - FISH Project - $8,000
Regional 211 Proposal - $100,000
New Freedom Proposals:
FISH: Operations & Telephone - $11,000
GADABOUT: New Freedom Paratransit Support Operating Assistance - $25,000
May 16, 2012 Coordinated Plan Committee Meeting
Our Next Meeting is on:
- Wednesday, May 16, 2012: Coordinated Plan Meeting, is at the Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, NY., 10:10 am to 11:30 pm.
1. Introductions
2. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere
c. Regional Transportation Study
3. ITCTC Solicitation for JARC/NF Projects & Priorities 2012-13
4. Revision of Coordinated Plan Priorities (see Current Priorities)
5. New Business & Networking Time
- Wednesday, May 16, 2012: Coordinated Plan Meeting, is at the Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, NY., 10:10 am to 11:30 pm.
1. Introductions
2. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere
c. Regional Transportation Study
3. ITCTC Solicitation for JARC/NF Projects & Priorities 2012-13
4. Revision of Coordinated Plan Priorities (see Current Priorities)
5. New Business & Networking Time
Apr 18, 2012 Coordinated Plan Committee Meeting
Our Next Meeting is on:
- Wednesday, April 18, 2012: Coordinated Plan Meeting, is at the Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, NY., 10:10 am to 11:30 pm.
1. Introductions
2. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere
c. Regional Transportation Study
3. ITCTC Solicitation for JARC/NF Projects & Priorities 2012-13
4. Opportunities for Shared Services
5. New Business & Networking Time
- Wednesday, April 18, 2012: Coordinated Plan Meeting, is at the Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, NY., 10:10 am to 11:30 pm.
1. Introductions
2. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere
c. Regional Transportation Study
3. ITCTC Solicitation for JARC/NF Projects & Priorities 2012-13
4. Opportunities for Shared Services
5. New Business & Networking Time
Mar 14, 2012 Coordinated Plan Committee Meeting
Our Next Meeting is on:
- Wednesday, March 14, 2012: Coordinated Plan Meeting, is at the Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, NY., 10:10 am to 11:30 pm.
1. Introductions
2. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere
c. Regional Transportation Study
3. ITCTC Solicitation for JARC/NF Projects & Priorities 2012-13
4. Travel Training in 2012
5. Coordinated Planning Communications Strategy - Discussion
or what good is Linkedin anyway?
6. New Business & Networking Time
- Wednesday, March 14, 2012: Coordinated Plan Meeting, is at the Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, NY., 10:10 am to 11:30 pm.
1. Introductions
2. Status of:
a. MV1 Taxi
b. ITNEverywhere
c. Regional Transportation Study
3. ITCTC Solicitation for JARC/NF Projects & Priorities 2012-13
4. Travel Training in 2012
5. Coordinated Planning Communications Strategy - Discussion
or what good is Linkedin anyway?
6. New Business & Networking Time
Feb 8, 2012 Coordinated Plan Committee Meeting
Our Next Meeting is on:
- Wednesday, February 8, 2011: Coordinated Plan Meeting, is at the Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, NY., 11:15 am to 12:30 pm.
1. Introductions
2. Status of:
a. 211 I/R JARC Project
b. Travel Training
c. MV1 Taxi
d. Future funding
3. 2012 JARC & New Freedom Projects, Grant, Contracts
4. Federal Requirements in 2012 contracts
5. New Business & Networking Time
- Wednesday, February 8, 2011: Coordinated Plan Meeting, is at the Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, NY., 11:15 am to 12:30 pm.
1. Introductions
2. Status of:
a. 211 I/R JARC Project
b. Travel Training
c. MV1 Taxi
d. Future funding
3. 2012 JARC & New Freedom Projects, Grant, Contracts
4. Federal Requirements in 2012 contracts
5. New Business & Networking Time