2007-08 Interim Coordinated Plan Priorities
Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310 Program):
- Procure four replacement paratransit buses for GADABOUT
Job Access & Reverse Commute (JARC) (Section 5316):
- Procure trip reservation software and hardware to be used by multiple operators.
- Develop a commuter van pilot program for rural county residents.
New Freedom (Section 5317):
- Increase availability of mobility services to persons with disabilities who are certified for ADA Paratransit service for employment, medical and other trips.
- Procure two wheelchair accessible taxi vehicles for lease.
- Procure four replacement paratransit buses for GADABOUT
Job Access & Reverse Commute (JARC) (Section 5316):
- Procure trip reservation software and hardware to be used by multiple operators.
- Develop a commuter van pilot program for rural county residents.
New Freedom (Section 5317):
- Increase availability of mobility services to persons with disabilities who are certified for ADA Paratransit service for employment, medical and other trips.
- Procure two wheelchair accessible taxi vehicles for lease.